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What is a MATH formula in a spreadsheet?

Math formulas and functions encompass basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), trigonometric functions, logarithms, exponents, rounding, and other mathematical calculations.

MATH formula usage examples.

The ABS function returns the absolute value of a number. It removes the sign of the number and returns the positive value. For example, ABS(-5) returns 5.

The ACOS function returns the inverse cosine of a value, in radians. It is used to calculate angles or distances based on given values.

The ACOSH function returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number. It is the inverse of the COSH function and is used to calculate the value whose hyperbolic cosine is the specified number.

The ACOT function returns the inverse cotangent of a value, in radians. It calculates the angle whose cotangent is the specified value.

The ACOTH function returns the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of a value, in radians. It is the inverse of the hyperbolic cotangent function. The value provided as the argument must not be between -1 and 1, inclusive.

The ASIN function returns the inverse sine of a value, in radians. It is used to calculate angles and heights based on trigonometric principles.

The ASINH function returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number. It is the inverse function of the SINH function. The inverse hyperbolic sine is the value whose hyperbolic sine is equal to the given number. The ASINH function is useful in various mathematical and scientific calculations.

The ATAN function returns the inverse tangent of a value, in radians. It is used to calculate angles or slopes based on given values.

The ATAN2 function returns the angle between the x-axis and a line segment from the origin (0,0) to a specified coordinate pair (x,y) in radians. It takes two arguments: x and y, representing the coordinates of the point. The function calculates the angle using the arctangent of y/x, taking into account the signs of both x and y to determine the correct quadrant of the angle.

The ATANH function returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number. It is the inverse function of the TANH function. The inverse hyperbolic tangent is the value whose hyperbolic tangent is the given number. The result is returned in radians.

The BASE function is used to convert a number into a text representation in another base. It takes three arguments: value, base, and optional min_length. The value argument is the number to be converted. The base argument specifies the base of the desired representation, such as 2 for binary, 16 for hexadecimal, or 8 for octal. The optional min_length argument specifies the minimum number of characters in the resulting text representation.


The CEILING.MATH function rounds a number up to the nearest integer multiple of a specified significance. It takes three arguments: 'number' (the number to be rounded), 'significance' (the desired multiple), and 'mode' (optional, determines the rounding direction for negative numbers). CEILING.MATH is useful for scenarios where values need to be rounded up to a specific increment, such as project deadlines, inventory management, or sales forecasting.


The CEILING.PRECISE function rounds a number up to the nearest integer multiple of a specified significance. If the number is positive or negative, it is rounded up. The 'number' argument represents the number to be rounded, and the 'significance' argument represents the desired interval or unit for rounding. CEILING.PRECISE ensures that the rounded number is always greater than or equal to the original number.

The CEILING function is used to round a number up to the nearest integer multiple of a specified significance. It takes two arguments: the value to be rounded and the factor (optional) which determines the significance. If the factor is not provided, the function rounds the value up to the nearest integer.

The COMBIN function returns the number of ways to choose some number of objects from a pool of a given size of objects. It is used to calculate combinations in combinatorial mathematics.

The COMBINA function returns the number of ways to choose a certain number of objects from a pool of objects, including ways that choose the same object multiple times. It is similar to the COMBIN function, but allows for repetition.

The COS function returns the cosine of an angle provided in radians. The cosine of an angle is the ratio of the length of the adjacent side to the length of the hypotenuse in a right triangle with that angle.

The COSH function is used to calculate the hyperbolic cosine of a given value. The hyperbolic cosine is a mathematical function that is used in various applications, such as calculating loan payments, analyzing stock prices, and modeling population growth. The COSH function takes a single parameter, which represents the value for which the hyperbolic cosine is calculated.

The COT function in Excel is used to calculate the cotangent of an angle provided in radians. The cotangent is the ratio of the adjacent side to the opposite side of a right triangle.

The COTH function returns the hyperbolic cotangent of any real number. It is calculated as the ratio of the hyperbolic cosine to the hyperbolic sine of the given value.


The COUNTBLANK function is used to count the number of empty cells in a given range. It returns the count of cells that are empty or contain only spaces.

The COUNTIF function is used to count the number of cells within a range that meet a specific criterion. It takes two arguments: the range of cells to be evaluated, and the criterion to be applied. The function counts only the cells that meet the criterion and ignores any other values in the range.


The COUNTIFS function is used to count the number of cells in a range that meet multiple criteria. It allows you to specify multiple ranges and criteria, and it will only count the cells that meet all of the specified criteria.


The COUNTUNIQUE function is used to count the number of unique values in a list of specified values and ranges. It returns the count of unique values in the given list.

The CSC function returns the cosecant of an angle provided in radians. The cosecant is the reciprocal of the sine function, which means it calculates the ratio of the hypotenuse to the opposite side of a right triangle.

The CSCH function returns the hyperbolic cosecant of any real number.

The DECIMAL function converts the text representation of a number in another base, to base 10 (decimal). It takes two arguments: 'value' which is the text representation of the number, and 'base' which is the base of the number system used in the 'value' argument. The function returns the decimal equivalent of the number.

The DEGREES function is used to convert an angle value in radians to degrees. It takes a single argument, the angle in radians, and returns the corresponding angle in degrees.


The ERFC.PRECISE function returns the complementary error function for a given value. The complementary error function is commonly used in probability and statistical analysis to calculate probabilities and confidence intervals.

The ERFC function returns the complementary Gauss error function of a value. It is commonly used in statistics and probability calculations to calculate probabilities, analyze data, and model various phenomena.

The EVEN function in Excel rounds a number up to the nearest even integer. If the number is already an even integer, it remains unchanged. This function is useful in various scenarios where whole numbers are required.

The EXP function returns Euler's number, e (~2.718), raised to a power. It is commonly used to calculate exponential growth or decay in various fields such as finance, population studies, and sales projections.

The FACT function returns the factorial of a number. Factorial is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to the given number. For example, the factorial of 5 (5!) is calculated as 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120.


The FACTDOUBLE function is used to calculate the double factorial of a number. The double factorial is the product of all the integers from the given number down to 1, skipping every other number.


The FLOOR.MATH function rounds a number down to the nearest integer multiple of a specified significance. It takes three arguments: 'number' is the value to be rounded down, 'significance' is the multiple to which the number should be rounded down, and 'mode' (optional) determines how negative numbers are rounded. If 'mode' is omitted, it defaults to 0, which rounds negative numbers towards zero. If 'mode' is set to 1, negative numbers are rounded away from zero.


The FLOOR.PRECISE function rounds a number down to the nearest integer or multiple of specified significance. It takes two arguments: 'number' represents the value to be rounded down, and 'significance' (optional) represents the interval at which the rounding should occur. If 'significance' is not provided, the function rounds down to the nearest integer.

The FLOOR function rounds a number down to the nearest integer multiple of the specified significance. It takes two arguments: 'value' is the number to be rounded down, and 'factor' is the significance to which the number should be rounded down. If 'factor' is omitted, the function rounds down to the nearest integer.


The GAMMALN.PRECISE function is used to calculate the natural logarithm of the gamma function. The gamma function is an extension of the factorial function to real and complex numbers. The natural logarithm of the gamma function is often used in statistical and mathematical calculations, such as calculating probabilities, densities, and likelihoods.

The GAMMALN function returns the logarithm of a specified Gamma function, base e (Euler's number). It is commonly used in statistical analysis and probability calculations.

The GCD function returns the greatest common divisor of one or more integers. It calculates the largest positive integer that divides each of the given numbers without leaving a remainder.

The IMLN function returns the logarithm of a complex number, base e (Euler's number). It is used to calculate the natural logarithm of complex numbers.

The IMPOWER function is used to calculate the power of a complex number. It takes a complex number as the base and an exponent as the power. The function returns the complex number raised to the specified power.

The IMSQRT function is used to compute the square root of a complex number. It takes a single argument, which is the complex number for which we want to find the square root. The function returns the square root of the complex number.

The INT function rounds a number down to the nearest integer that is less than or equal to it. It removes the decimal part of the number and returns the integer value.

The ISEVEN function checks whether the provided value is even. It returns TRUE if the value is even, and FALSE if it is not.

The ISODD function checks whether the provided value is odd. It returns TRUE if the value is odd, and FALSE if it is even.

The LCM function returns the least common multiple of one or more integers. It calculates the smallest positive integer that is divisible by all the given numbers.

The LN function returns the natural logarithm of a number, base e (Euler's number). It is commonly used to calculate exponential growth or decay, as well as to solve equations involving logarithms.

The LOG function in Excel returns the logarithm of a number given a base. It is commonly used in various mathematical calculations and can be used to solve problems related to exponential growth, sound intensity, pH levels, and more.

The LOG10 function is used to calculate the logarithm of a number to the base 10. It returns the exponent to which the base (10) must be raised to obtain the number.

The MOD function returns the remainder after dividing the dividend by the divisor. It is useful for calculating remainders, checking for odd or even numbers, and creating custom patterns based on a repeating sequence.

The MROUND function rounds a number to the nearest multiple of another number. It takes two arguments: the value to be rounded and the factor to which it should be rounded. If the value is exactly halfway between two multiples, it is rounded to the nearest even multiple.


The MULTINOMIAL function is used to calculate the factorial of the sum of values divided by the product of the values' factorials. It takes multiple values as arguments and returns the result of the calculation.

The MUNIT function returns a unit matrix of size dimension x dimension. A unit matrix is a square matrix with ones on the main diagonal and zeros elsewhere.

The ODD function rounds a number up to the nearest odd integer. If the number is already odd, it is returned unchanged. If the number is even, it is rounded up to the next odd integer.

The PI function returns the value of Pi, which is approximately 3.14159265358979. It is a non-volatile function, meaning it does not recalculate unless the worksheet is recalculated or the formula is modified.

The POWER function returns a number raised to a power. It takes two arguments: the base number and the exponent. The base number is the number you want to raise to a power, and the exponent is the power to which you want to raise the base number. The result is the base number raised to the specified power.

The PRODUCT function returns the result of multiplying a series of numbers together. It takes multiple arguments, each representing a factor to be multiplied. The function can accept up to 255 arguments. If any of the arguments are non-numeric, the function returns the #VALUE! error. If any of the arguments are empty or equal to 0, the function returns 0.


The QUOTIENT function in Excel returns the integer portion of a division. It divides one number by another and returns only the whole number portion of the result.

The RADIANS function is used to convert an angle value in degrees to radians. It takes an angle in degrees as input and returns the corresponding angle in radians.

The RAND function returns a random number between 0 inclusive and 1 exclusive.


The RANDARRAY function generates an array of random numbers between 0 and 1. It takes two arguments: 'rows' and 'columns', which specify the size of the array.


The RANDBETWEEN function returns a uniformly random integer between two values, inclusive. It takes two arguments: 'low' and 'high', which specify the range of possible values. The function will generate a new random number each time the worksheet is recalculated.

The ROUND function is used to round a number to a certain number of decimal places according to standard rules. It takes two arguments: 'value' is the number to be rounded, and 'places' is the number of decimal places to round to. If 'places' is omitted, the function rounds to the nearest whole number.


The ROUNDDOWN function rounds a number down to a certain number of decimal places, always rounding down to the next valid increment. It takes two arguments: 'value' is the number to be rounded down, and 'places' (optional) specifies the number of decimal places to round down to. If 'places' is not provided, the function rounds down to the nearest whole number.

The ROUNDUP function is used to round a number to a certain number of decimal places, always rounding up to the next valid increment. It takes two arguments: value, which is the number to be rounded, and places (optional), which specifies the number of decimal places to round to. If places is not provided, the function rounds to the nearest whole number.

The SEC function returns the secant of an angle, measured in radians.

The SECH function returns the hyperbolic secant of an angle. It is calculated as the reciprocal of the hyperbolic cosine of the angle.


The SEQUENCE function returns an array of sequential numbers. It is useful for generating lists, calendars, and matrices. The 'rows' parameter specifies the number of rows in the array, the 'columns' parameter specifies the number of columns, the 'start' parameter specifies the starting value, and the 'step' parameter specifies the increment between numbers.


The SERIESSUM function calculates the sum of a power series with varying coefficients and exponents. It takes four arguments: x, n, m, and a. The 'x' argument represents the input value for the power series. The 'n' argument represents the initial exponent for the first term in the series. The 'm' argument represents the difference in exponents between consecutive terms. The 'a' argument represents the range of coefficients for each term in the series. The function returns the sum of all terms in the power series.

The SIGN function is used to determine the sign of a number. It returns -1 if the number is negative, 1 if the number is positive, and 0 if the number is zero.

The SIN function returns the sine of an angle provided in radians. The sine of an angle is the ratio of the length of the side opposite the angle to the length of the hypotenuse in a right triangle.

The SQRT function in Excel returns the positive square root of a positive number. It is commonly used to calculate the square root of a value in a cell.

The SQRTPI function returns the positive square root of the product of Pi and the given positive number. It is useful for calculating the square root of the product of Pi and a value or a range of values in Excel.


The SUBTOTAL function returns a subtotal for a vertical range of cells using a specified aggregation function. It allows you to perform calculations on specific ranges of data, while ignoring other subtotals within the range.

The SUM function is used to calculate the sum of a series of numbers and/or cells. It takes one or more arguments, which can be individual values or cell references, and returns the total sum.

The SUMIF function calculates a sum based on a specified condition. It takes three arguments: range, criterion, and [sum_range]. The range is the range of cells to be evaluated for the condition. The criterion is the condition that determines which cells to include in the sum. The [sum_range] is an optional argument that specifies the range of cells to be summed. If omitted, the range argument is used as the sum_range.

The SUMIFS function calculates the sum of a range based on multiple criteria. It takes a sum_range as the first argument, which is the range of cells to sum. The subsequent arguments are pairs of criteria_range and criterion, where criteria_range is the range of cells to evaluate and criterion is the condition to be met. The function adds up the values in the sum_range that meet all the specified criteria.

The SUMSQ function returns the sum of the squares of a series of numbers and/or cells. It takes multiple values as arguments and calculates the square of each value, then adds up all the squares to get the final result.

The TAN function returns the tangent of an angle provided in radians. It calculates the ratio of the length of the opposite side to the length of the adjacent side in a right triangle.

The TANH function returns the hyperbolic tangent of a given value. The hyperbolic tangent is a mathematical function that describes the relationship between the angle of a right triangle and the ratio of the lengths of its sides. In Excel, the TANH function takes a single argument, which is the value for which we want to calculate the hyperbolic tangent. The result is a numeric value that represents the hyperbolic tangent of the input value.

The TRUNC function is used to truncate a number to a certain number of significant digits by omitting less significant digits. It takes two arguments: 'value' which is the number to be truncated, and 'places' which is an optional argument specifying the number of decimal places to keep. If 'places' is not provided, the function truncates the number to the nearest integer.

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