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Spreadsheet Formula Types

Learn about different types of formulas for Excel and Google sheets and what they do

Array formulas allow you to perform calculations on multiple values simultaneously within a range. They can process arrays of data and return arrays of results, making it easier to perform complex calculations or operations across multiple cells.


Database formulas and functions are used to work with structured data and perform operations like querying, filtering, sorting, and summarizing data. They are particularly useful for managing and manipulating large datasets efficiently.

Date formulas and functions allow you to manipulate and format dates and times. They enable you to perform calculations with dates, extract specific date components, determine time differences, and format dates according to various standards or custom requirements.


Engineering formulas and functions are designed for performing engineering-related calculations. They encompass conversions, trigonometry, logarithms, statistical analysis, and other mathematical operations specific to engineering disciplines.

Filter formulas and functions enable you to extract specific data from a dataset based on predefined criteria. They allow you to apply filters to a range or dataset and retrieve only the rows or columns that meet the specified conditions.


Financial formulas and functions are used for financial calculations. They include interest calculations, loan payments, future value, present value, net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), and other financial metrics or analysis.

The term 'Google' in this context refers to Google Sheets, a cloud-based spreadsheet software. Google Sheets offers a range of formulas and functions for data manipulation, calculations, and analysis. It provides similar functionalities to Microsoft Excel.

Info formulas and functions provide information about data. They can retrieve details about data types, formatting, cell references, and other properties. These formulas are useful for obtaining specific information or metadata about cells or ranges within a spreadsheet.

Logical formulas and functions evaluate logical conditions and return logical results (TRUE or FALSE). They enable you to perform logical comparisons, logical operations (AND, OR, NOT), and build conditional expressions for decision-making or data filtering purposes.

Lookup formulas and functions are used to search for specific values in a range and retrieve related information. They enable you to perform searches, find matches, and retrieve data based on specified criteria or conditions.

Math formulas and functions encompass basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), trigonometric functions, logarithms, exponents, rounding, and other mathematical calculations.


Operator formulas and functions utilize basic mathematical operators (+, -, *, /) for arithmetic operations. They allow you to perform calculations using these operators to manipulate numerical values.

Parser formulas and functions analyze and manipulate text or data structures. They enable you to extract specific information from text, split strings, concatenate text, replace characters or substrings, and perform other text-related manipulations.


Statistical formulas and functions are used for statistical analysis. They include measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode), dispersion (variance, standard deviation), regression analysis, hypothesis testing, and other statistical calculations.

Text formulas and functions are designed for manipulating and formatting text strings. They allow you to concatenate text, extract substrings, convert text cases, replace characters, perform string manipulations, and format text according to specific requirements.

Web formulas and functions facilitate interactions with web-based services or retrieving data from the internet. They enable you to connect to external APIs, retrieve data from web sources, and perform operations related to web data processing or analysis.

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