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What is a OPERATOR formula in a spreadsheet?

Operator formulas and functions utilize basic mathematical operators (+, -, *, /) for arithmetic operations. They allow you to perform calculations using these operators to manipulate numerical values.

OPERATOR formula usage examples.

The ADD function is used to calculate the sum of two or more values in Excel. It is equivalent to the '+' operator. The function takes multiple arguments, which can be cell references, numbers, or ranges, and returns the sum of those values.

The CONCAT function is used to concatenate multiple strings into a single string. It takes two or more arguments and returns the concatenation of those arguments. The function is equivalent to using the `&` operator in Excel. The CONCAT function is useful for combining text values, such as names or addresses, into a single cell.

The DIVIDE function in Excel is used to divide one number by another. It is equivalent to the '/' operator. The function takes two arguments: the dividend (the number to be divided) and the divisor (the number by which the dividend is divided). The result is the quotient of the division operation.

The EQ function is used to compare two values and determine if they are equal. It returns TRUE if the values are equal and FALSE otherwise. This function is equivalent to the = operator in Excel.

The GT function compares two values and returns TRUE if the first value is strictly greater than the second value, and FALSE otherwise. It is equivalent to the > operator in Excel.

The GTE function returns `TRUE` if the first argument is greater than or equal to the second argument, and `FALSE` otherwise. It is equivalent to the `>=` operator in Excel.


The ISBETWEEN function checks whether a provided number is between two other numbers either inclusively or exclusively. It returns true if the value to compare is within the specified range, and false otherwise.

The LT function compares two values and returns TRUE if the first value is strictly less than the second value, and FALSE otherwise. It is equivalent to the '<' operator in Excel.

The LTE function is used to compare two values and returns TRUE if the first value is less than or equal to the second value, and FALSE otherwise. It is equivalent to the <= operator in Excel.

The MINUS function returns the difference between two numbers. It is equivalent to using the '-' operator in Excel. The function takes two arguments: value1 and value2, and subtracts value2 from value1.


The MULTIPLY function is used to multiply two or more numbers together. It is equivalent to using the `*` operator in Excel. The function takes multiple arguments, which can be numbers, cell references, or other formulas, and returns the product of those values.

The NE function is used to compare two values and returns TRUE if they are not equal, and FALSE otherwise. It is equivalent to the <> operator in Excel. The function takes two arguments: value1 and value2. If value1 and value2 are not equal, the function returns TRUE. If they are equal, the function returns FALSE.

The POW function returns a number raised to a power. It takes two arguments: the base number and the exponent. The base number is multiplied by itself the number of times specified by the exponent.

The UMINUS function returns a number with the sign reversed. If the input value is positive, it will be converted to negative, and if the input value is negative, it will be converted to positive.


The UNARY_PERCENT function returns a value interpreted as a percentage. It converts the provided percentage value to its decimal equivalent. For example, UNARY_PERCENT(100) equals 1.

The UNIQUE function is used to return unique rows or values from a given range. It discards any duplicates and returns the unique entries in the order in which they first appear in the source range. The function takes three arguments: 'range' specifies the range of cells to evaluate, 'by_column' is an optional argument that determines whether the uniqueness is evaluated by column (TRUE) or by row (FALSE), and 'exactly_once' is an optional argument that specifies whether to include only values that appear exactly once (TRUE) or all unique values (FALSE).

The UPLUS function returns a specified number unchanged. It is used to convert a negative number to a positive number, or to keep a positive number as is.

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